3 toys for 0-3 months

I'm a teacher so I'm constantly thinking about growth, progress, and overall development. Knowing when a newborn should be cooing, rolling over, maintaining head control, and a million other things is tough! Plus those are just the outward signs that they are developing on track. There are so many other things happening inside of their brains that I can't even begin to comprehend! 

Over the past three months I've found a few items that are worth the money to help your baby reach some really important milestones. Sawyer still uses all of these so they are great 0-3+ months! 

Sawyer started using this at about 2 months. At first we held it in front of her and let her follow the light with her eyes, and as she got older she has started to hold it herself! It changes colors to red, green, and blue. The handle is textured so it's easy for her little unsure hands to hold, and it's great for her to play with in the car!

This is a life saver if you have hardwood floors, or scratchy carpet! I hate laying Sawyer down on anything that isn't super soft. I love that it comes with a little pillow for propping her up when she was itsy bitsy. We don't use it anymore because she can hold herself up really well! It also has lots of tags to grab, and toys to look at!

3. Sit Me Up Chair
This is our most recent purchase, and Sawyer absolutely loves it! She took about a day to get used to sitting up straight, but she's seriously seeing the world from an entirely new perspective. It's so great to see her mind working!

There are so many amazing products out there to help your little one grow and learn, but these have been my absolute favorite from 0-3 months! 

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