Friday Favorites

It’s been a while since I shared some of my favorites, but I have so many things I’ve been wanting to tell y’all about!  

It’s Christmas time at the Crowson’s! We got this as a gift last Christmas and it is seriously perfect for our little ones.
I’ve been trying to find ways to include Sawyer in Christmas, and this is perfect.

Two. Outlaw King on Netflix
Such a good movie! It’s basically what comes after Braveheart. So beware there’s lots of blood and guts that I covered my eyes during.

Three. Kroger K Cup Cappuccinos
Okay y’all, I pride myself on not being a caffeine person. I don’t relate to those “But first coffee” mugs, or
“All I need is Jesus and coffee” so this is a very big shift for me. That being said, I don’t think there is hardly
any caffeine in these, it’s mostly milk, sugar, and then a shot of coffee. They’re only 60 calories, all from 6g sugar,
so I don’t feel too terrible drinking them compared to a cup of hot chocolate or a sugary starbucks drink.
The best part is that it’s only $6 for 12!!!

Four. Christmas Chronicles on Netflix
This may be my new FAVORITE Christmas movie. Just watch it. You’ll love it.

Jefferson and Alyssa Bethke have tons of books, resources, and this podcast is my new favorite creation of theirs! Their life is extremely different than ours, so we love listening to how they put Jesus and family first. It's really challenged Daniel and I to talk about our vision for our family.
I linked one of my favorite episodes about how self care can become counterfeit.

Hope you love it all as much as I do!


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